Saturday, November 30, 2019

Play Therapy free essay sample

An analysis of different methods of play therapy and their successes and failures when dealing with children. This paper is a detailed examination of play therapy and its purpose. The writer provides an understanding of what play therapy is and how it is administered. The author describes how it is mainly used with young children who are too young to participate in an adult-like therapy setting. The paper details the process involved in the administering of this type of therapy, including the setting, the duration of the sessions, the method of evaluation and in what situations this therapy is used most successfully. The paper then discusses the different types of therapy and when to apply them. Research has determined that this type of therapy is most effective for children between the ages of 2 and 10. The therapy is effective in this age range because it is the age range in which children communicate best through play and do not communicate as effectively through their verbal skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Play Therapy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The children are encouraged to choose any toy they want from the hundreds of choices presented in the therapist office. They are also encouraged to play in a sand box in the office because sand has been shown to be relaxing for the patient.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Improve Your Business Writing Skills (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Improve Your Business Writing Skills (A Step-by-Step Guide) It can be confusing when we either realize or are told that we need to â€Å"improve our business writing skills.† â€Å"Better business writing" is a murky goal. How then, do we improve our business writing skills? In this post, I am going to outline six steps to start improving your Englishbusiness writing today.This goes beyond business writing tips and tricks and lays out a simple step-by-step process for improvement. You will learn how to correct common mistakes, tricks for better formatting, and how to reduce errors in your writing. 1. Remove the Emotions We can feel a little hurt or defensive any time a weakness is highlighted. Many clients have told me that writing was not something they enjoyed in school and memories of a mean English teacher with a red pen poised to slash an essay apart is still vivid. For others, even though they enjoyed writing in school, they realize that business writing is a somewhat different skill than academic writing. Whatever the emotional response, let it go. The truth is everyone needs to write well at work to succeed. If we’re good at, our careers opportunities improve. Turning your attention to improving your busines writing is all good! Let go of any negative emotions and focus on the career benefit and ease of knowing exactly how to tackle the task of better writing at work. 2. Identify Your Particular Weaknesses and Strengths This can be challenging if the only feedback we have received is we â€Å"need to improve.† Where to begin? There are so many embedded skills in business writing, so it’s important to understand what is working and what needs improvement. There are three essential metrics for business writing: Separate the information/substance/content of a document from the words that express that information/substance/content. There is the information, and there are the words that express that information. We have to look at these separately to identify strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on the information contained in your typical documents. Do your readers have the information they need? Is it logically grouped? Does it flow logically? This is the information or substance of your document. Reflect on the words you use to express the information. This is the syntax, or the way you use words. For a deeper analysis of this issue, read Improve Business Writing Skills to Measure What Matters. While it’s possible to review your business writing skills, it’s hard to be truly objective because we know the facts of our documents so well and we understand what we are trying to express. A professional business writing assessment, which should always be part of a good business writing course is always the best measurement. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '39de76fa-b005-4d0a-9136-a9a423513681', {}); 3. Review and Correct Your Information and Organization First One of my grandmother’s favorite expressions was â€Å"that’s just putting lipstick on a pig† when someone tried to improve or polish something that was innately flawed. Trying to fix the language and words in your business documents before the information and substance is accurate, relevant, and well organized is just like putting lipstick on a pig. Sentence improvements will never fix gaps in content or disorganization. Review several documents you’ve written at work lately. Review varying types of documents and include email and reports. To hone good information and organization: Define your audience clearly Overtly state the purpose of a document - â€Å"I need my audience to know or do X.† Decide on the major categories of information necessary for your defined reader to know or do what you want. Develop details around these major categories of information. Sequence the information logically. What category would lead best and what category should close? Remember the acronym B.L.O.T - bottom line on top. 90% of business documents should begin with the information most important to your audience. This beginning statement should be the purpose statement you identified while you analyzed your audience. The concluding information should elicit the business response you seek.For example, let’s imagine you are an insurance sales representative and a client has inquired about adding additional flood insurance to her homeowner’s insurance policy. You know this coverage would be beneficial to her, and it would increase business, so you want your reader to understand the benefits and purchase the additional coverage. Your introduction could be:The additional flood insurance coverage would protect your home if it were to flood because of hurricanes, river overflows, or excessive rain. All of these hazards have increased in your area i n the past five years by 36%. Your conclusion should make it easy for your reader to act as you need:To enact this coverage, please sign the enclosed coverage agreement on both pages three and five. Scan the signed coverage agreement into a PDF document and email it back to me by May 13. Look back at your sample work documents. By following these steps, can verify that your information is correct? And, breaking it down will help you identify where you tend to lose focus. 4. Review and Correct Your Format Next Study several different documents you wrote in the past few weeks and ask yourself what formatting enhancements would make them easier to scan. Helpful format elements are: Headings above document categories Indenting text to show it’s a sub-element of the previous information Bullet and number lists Lots of white space Short paragraphs Appropriate use of bold and emphatic text 5. Now It’s Time to Review and Correct Language Everyone makes different grammar and stylistic errors, so nothing will improve your business writing as well as business writing training that includes a professional instructor review of your writing. If that is not possible, you will need to self-diagnose your language and grammar. Grammar Diagnosis Run at least ten recent documents through Grammarly. Grammarly is an excellent spelling and grammar checker that will flag errors and explain what is wrong. You want to look for patterns. If, for example, Grammarly tells you that you made three â€Å"me, myself, and I† errors across your documents, accept that as a strong indicator that â€Å"me, myself, and I† usage is an error you need to correct. Run all of your documents through Grammarly and compile a list of all the errors Grammarly diagnosed. Grammarly is not foolproof, but it’s quite good. Without a professional review of your business writing, it’s the best objective assessment. Grammar Correction The best grammar resource on the Internet is the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Use the search button on Purdue’s OWL and search for the first error in your compiled list. Purdue OWL has detailed explanations and exercises to help clarify your understanding and use of that grammar rule. Stay with the exercises until your grammar understanding of this first error is corrected. Once you feel comfortable with your correction of your first grammar error, then move on to the next. Make sure you’re comfortable with your new grammar skills before you move on because grammar correction is primarily a habit of practice. Your grammar skills will improve from awareness and practice. How to Hone Clarity Business writing is notoriously bloated. Instead, business documents should be clear and concise. Fewer words are better than more. Bloat typically creeps in through sloppy verb use. Clarity Correction #1: â€Å"Unsmother† Your Verbs Focus on verbs. They are the action of a sentence, and the best opportunity to enhance clarity. Imagine watching a Bruce Willis movie that shows Bruce napping or knitting or whittling on a park bench for 90 minutes. Bored yet? So too are readers if your writing has little action or wimpy verbs. This article will explain smothered verbs in detail. You will cut at least 25% of unnecessary words by simply â€Å"unsmothering† verbs. Let the verb do its job in a sentence without smothering add-on words. The impact on business writing clarity is amazing. Business Writing Clarity Strategy #2: Avoid Adverbs Choose powerful verbs that connote meaning, which don't need a second modifying word to do their job! For instance: "The attendant shouted loudly." "The attendant shouted," is a perfect sentence. "Loudly" is inferred and extraneous. "The executive ran quickly into the boardroom." "Ran quickly" is wasteful. Pick a better verb. "The executive sprinted into the boardroom" is concise, visual, and lively. Business Writing Clarity Strategy #3: Recognize the Power of Short Words. Years back, some business writers felt they conveyed their intelligence more by using long words when short words worked better. Long words don’t make you sound intelligent unless used very skillfully and judiciously. In the wrong situation, they’ll have the opposite effect, making you sound pretentious and arrogant. They’re also less likely to be understood and more awkward to read. I've always loved Hemingway's response when Faulkner criticized him for his limited word choice: Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use. Example: Fine, but can be improved: It has never been a good writing practice to use big words indiscriminately. Better: It has never been a good writing practice to use big words needlessly. ("Needlessly" is shorter and simpler than "indiscriminately.") Best: It has never been a good writing practice to bloat with big words. (More powerful verb "bloat" instead of the vague verb "use" eliminates the need for modifying adverb "needlessly.") Remember this maxim about business writing: Write to express, not to impress. Good business writers use short words and fewer words well. Richard Lederer sings the praises of the short word to enhance clarity in his book, The Miracle of Language: Here is a sound rule: Use small, old words where you can. If a long word says just what you want to say, do not fear to use it. But know that our tongue is rich in crisp, brisk, swift, short words. Make them the spine and the heart of what you speak and write. Short words are like fast friends. They will not let you down. 6.Ongoing Improvement To Your Business Writing Read good business writing blogs. Our blog addresses business writing improvement specifically. Join 25,000 other monthly readers by subscribing to our newsletter here. Grammar Girl will explain the nuances of grammar very well. Read good writing. Read anything that interests you that is written well - novels, newspapers, good blogs, short stories, or essays. This helps you developskills needed for good writing. If you want to hone clarity, read anything by Theodore White or the short stories of Andre DuBus. These six steps will diagnose and improve your business writing skills. If tackling all of this on your own is too much, contact us for information about business writing courses.We’re here to help.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Classroom Essentials for the New Special Educator

Classroom Essentials for the New Special Educator When we approach the school year all teachers will be evaluating the strategies and classroom structures that are important for behavioral success and instructional efficiency.  That is doubly essential for the new teacher creating their first classroom.  Ã‚   Perhaps the most important actor in your classroom is the environment.  A classroom environment is not just a matter of lighting and decorating (although they may contribute.)  No, it is the emotional as well as the physical environment that create the canvas on which you will be providing instruction.  For some special educators who push in, they carry their environment with them.  For teachers who are in resource room settings, they need to create an environment communicates expectations for students and create an efficient place for them to engage in instruction.  For self-contained programs, the challenge is to create an environment that will provide a structure that will work for the teacher, the classroom para-professional, and the range of abilities your students will probably bring with them. In our experience, self-contained programs often have as wide a variety of skills and challenges as a regular education classroom with three to four times more students.   Pro-Active Means Preparation Preparing a classroom for students will require planning and anticipation, including:   Seating/Seating chart: How you plan to provide instruction will change how you seat your students.  Anticipate those seating arrangements to change.  For a classroom where you anticipate behavioral challenges, start with desks in rows separated by an arms length in each direction.  As your year progresses, you will be able to modify how you mediate instruction and how you  manage behavior.  A group that needs constant monitoring will be arranged completely differently from a group that focuses on independent work while others are in small groups or working in learning centers.  Also, the first group, with consistent feedback, teaching, and reinforcement, might just become the second group! Comprehensive Behavior Management System How you intend to reinforce the behavior you want, especially independent behavior and how you want to provide consequences for behaviors you do not want, you will need to choose and implement one of several different comprehensive plans:   Whole Class and/or Individual Behavior Management Systems:  Sometimes a classroom system will work without implementing individual behavior management, especially when the focus of your program is remediating academics and not managing behavior.  Or, you can start with a group plan and then add an individual plan.  Or, you can use individual reinforcement plans (i.e. token boards) and then a classwide system for group activities or transitions.   Whole Class Behavior Systems Require   A visual cuing system.  This can be a board, a digital system (such as Class DOJO)  Ã‚  or an interactive cue system, like a clothespin clip system or a color wheel.  Clear expectations and outcomes. These include rules and routines, which we will explore later.  Be sure you know exactly when you place a token or move a clip up or down.  Be sure you know what consequences will be moving to red or whatever your least desirable color is.  Be sure your consequence is truly a consequence and not a threat, in other words dont make a consequence something that is either unreasonable (no p.e. for the rest of the school year) or something you are unwilling or unable to do (two swats with a paddle.  Corporal punishment is illegal in most states and doesnt work in any case.)  Rewards or Reinforcement.  Be sure some of the reinforcers you offer (positive) are social so you are pairing reinforcement with appropriate social behavior.  How about tickets for a game day? (Play bo ard games as a class on Friday afternoons.)  Access to preferred activities or classroom jobs with status (such as line leader or lunch basket) is also great reinforcers.  By pairing reinforcement with appropriate positive behavior, you also reinforce the social behavior.   Consequences.  Sometimes the absence of reinforcement is consequence enough to change future behavior.  Sometimes an appropriate consequence (because it makes undesired behavior less likely to reappear) is to remove access to a preferred daily activity, such as recess or reading in a kindergarten classroom.   Individual Behavior Systems Require A visual recording system.   Sticker charts or token charts work well.Clear expectations.  It is best to focus on no more than two behaviors at a time.  Be sure students know why they are earning stickers or tokens when they get them:  i.e. Wow, you did a nice job getting that spelling page done, Roger.  Heres your sticker.  Just two more till you get your break!  Targeted reinforcement:  As above, target specific behaviors and be sure you define those target behaviors clearly.  Reinforce no more than two behaviors at a time.   Deciding Which Behavioral Strategies to Use As you are setting up your classroom, you will need to decide a few things: Do you start with individual behavior management systems or group?  As a new teacher, you are best to err on the side of too much structure, not too little.How easy or hard will the system be to administer?  No structure is chaos, too much structure may lead to default because you cant keep your eyes on everything.  Know your team, as well.  Will you have one or more paraprofessionals who could administer one of your reinforcement systems?  Can you and your staff administer the system with as little effect as possible?  You dont want a system that you are tempted to use as a punishment.  If the focus of your system becomes your relationship with your students.  Ã‚   The Physical Environment Arranging supplies, pencil sharpening and all the mechanics of supporting academic and social interaction for school success is invaluable. Sharpening pencils, handing out materials, all those simple tasks are tasks your students can manipulate to avoid tasks, to move around the classroom and disturb peers, to establish their pecking order in the classroom.  New teachers may feel that those of us who are long in the teeth make way too much of organization, but we have watched students dither away the day sharpening their pencils.  Oh, and they can burn those babies out! So, you need to be sure your routines include: Pencil Sharpening.  Is it a job, or do you have a cup where pencils can be swapped out?  Desks: Trust me.  You want the tops of desks clean.  They are students, not insurance agents.  Supplies:   If you put students in groups, each group should have a carry all or tray for pencils, crayons, scissors, and other supplies.  Put someone in charge (and assigned on the job chart) to refill papers, sharpen pencils and do whatever you need.  For small groups, put someone in charge of paper passing.Turn in:  Have a routine for turning in completed assignments.  You may want a tray for finished assignments, or even a vertical file where students turn in their folders.   Bulletin Boards Put your walls to work.  Avoid that temptation of some teachers to spend big at the teacher store and clutter up the walls.  Too much on the walls may distract students with disabilities, so be sure the walls talk but not scream.   Resources Behavioral Systems A Color Chart System Using Clothes PinsToken ChartsSticker Charts to Support IndependenceA Lottery SystemA Token Economy Physical Resources Seating ChartsBulletin Boards that Put Your Walls to WorkBack to School Bulletin BoardsSticker Charts

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Ancient Chinese Contributions - Essay Example Ancient Chinese has been recognized for a variety of inventions and contributions to mankind. Since ancient periods in China have been categorized according to dynasties, the ten most useful inventions and contributions noted and attributed to Chinese ingenuity and innovativeness are as follows: the building of the Great Wall of China and the multiplication table during the Qin or Ch’in Dynasty; the invention of the compass and paper making during the Han Dynasty; making of tea and matches during the Era of Disunity; making of porcelain during the Sui Dynasty; gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty; and finally, printing and wine making during the Sung Dynasty (Inventions, Innovations and Other Contributions from Ancient China). Of course there are other notable discoveries and contributions during ancient times but these inventions rise above the rest in terms of creating significant impact on the growth and development of civilizations around the world. From among these ten remarkable contributions, one strongly believes that the four most ingenious and innovative are the building of the Great Wall of China, paper making, printing, and the compass. The Great Wall of China has been renowned worldwide as one of the wonders of the world and as such, the building of the wall that reaches an immense length of about 8,850 kilometers or 5,500 miles long (Rosenberg) is a commendable task even to be imagined as such ancient times when materials and labor skills have not even been considered sophisticated or advanced. Paper making was likewise attributed to the ancient Chinese and have provided the impetus for the creation of paper currency and other documents that could be preserved. Due to the discovery, fast amounts of recording and documentation of historical events, famous writings, art works and literary pieces have been effectively archived. Printing, on the other hand, is also a relevant contribution as it

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Speaker presentation response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Speaker presentation response paper - Essay Example It is a common behavior for people to follow their favorite teams through the help of social media services. I am sure that the speaker has clearly understood the need if modern ways to reach out to the consumers. I believe this is a very modern way of selling tickets because earlier consumers would give consideration to pay for the movies instead of going to the Friday basketball matches. Now with the help of social media networks including twitter, Facebook, Instagram, it is rather easier for the sellers to increase the interest of people in games. It is where the selling can also be done as modern ways of marketing has helped ways to complete sells in one go. The speaker has also discussed perceived values which have been made as the focus of selling tickets. It notes that the speaker stresses on the entertainment that a family can get by going at a basketball or football match. This has been compared with films where a family is bound to just stay silent and watch the film. Also, children under 18 years of age may not be entertained at the cinema. The speaker has highlighted these cons in order to enhance the perceived value of sports match. I also believe that this way of enhancing the perceived value is not incorrect. ... The speaker states that it is very important to tell the consumers about the added service that they would get along with their buy. Speaker in his case states that car parking is near to the matches allowing the consumers to have ease of entering and leaving on time. Considering myself as a person who is more likely to buy the tickets to matches, I would surely be interested to know if I have good access to car parking. I will also look upon the people who I could take with myself to the match. All these points are sure to affect positively any consumer. Thus, marketing of something which might not be one’s interest is possible by looking at the elements of consumer behavior closely and correctly. The presentation has weaved out a number of very important elements of consumer behavior which has made me interested in the products which are not bought easily. It is easier to understand that with the help of these minor elements, consumer’s can be affected by large. Also, the usage of social media as a way to reach out to the consumer is the prominent way of undertaking marketing because users of these sites at least connect or login 5 times minimum in a day (Lefebvre). This frequency is more likely to increase with the passage of time. Considering the researches and investigations that have been undertaken so far also confirm this practice. In fact it is recommended to these people to take a step forward to bring innovation in marketing through newer and exciting modern ways of changing consumer perception about the product. Marketing and advertising have also stressed on the significance of consumer behavior and perceived value that should be underlined with the product because this can bring wild increase in the sales

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Pre-1914 literature Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free

Pre-1914 literature Arthur Conan Doyle Essay The previous pair of quotes significantly carries the Victorian assumption of evil and mysterious foreigners. Victorians associated drugs with the Far East: As I entered, a swallow of Malay attendant, and the rascally Lascar who runs it has sworn to have vengeance upon me. Both these quotes suggest similar nature in the Victorian attitude to others of different origins. The drugs and alcohol is unfairly associated with Malaysia being a Far Eastern country, this unfairly creates unnecessary judgements about the atmosphere of the country. Lascar was a Victorian term used to label an East Indian (Pakistani) sailor army servant. The Lascar in The Man with the Twisted Lip was described as rascally Lascar, although this indicates that the den runner is Asian but also the description creates an image of a mischievous person. We have seen how Arthur Conan Doyle has used stereotypical thoughts in his work to satisfy the aristocracy. The Victorians feared that the culture and customs of non British people, they felt threatened by foreigners; Sherlock Holmes was a method of reassurance in which the Victorian culture and values were still respected. During the Victorian era there were three sets of class between people. The highest class were called the Aristocracy, the middle class were called the Merchants, and the lowest class were known as the poor. The aristocracy lived a life of luxury and had huge amounts of materialistic wealth and possessions. The aristocracy were all educated and had a high status amongst all people. The merchants could have possibly been literate, but they were not as highly renowned compared to the aristocracy, but they were better off compared to the poor. The merchant class would do a certain job for a living. Lastly, the poor were very uneducated and lived in awful conditions. They were detested by the aristocracy because of their lack of hygiene and also because of their class. The aristocracy at the time of the Victorian era were seen as the most intelligent, in The Speckled Band we are clearly shown that Holmes is of the upper class: Very soon to knock you up Watson; he uses upper class speech. Holmes in The Speckled Band also shows his intelligence No, but I observe the second half of a return ticket; this quote shows the wise and intelligent remarks Holmes uses. The upper class were also shown to be very respective and polite, in A study in Scarlet, Holmes shows his upper class etiquettes: His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed, as it to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. The upper class would help and always relate to each other, in The Noble Batchelor: I presume they were hardly from the same class of society, No I am descending, My last client of the sort was a king. Holmes tells a client that he has worked for a King. In another Sherlock Holmes novel The Adventure of Black Peter: he frequently refused his help to the powerful and wealthy where the problem made no appeal to his sympathies. These quotes show how Holmes who is of the upper class helps the upper class only if the problem is actualy a valid one for him to have nay interest in. In the customs of Victorian culture Victorian gentlemen were intelligent and rational thinkers and also family leaders and role models. If a man of the upper class fails to acquire these fundamental aspects of a well character gentleman they would be known as a fallen gentleman. In The Speckled Band Dr Roylott is a perfect example of a fallen gentleman: he beat his native butler to death and narrowly escaped a capital sentence, he shut himself up in his house and seldom came out save to indulge in ferocious quarrels with whoever might cross his path. Violence of temper approaching to mania. Dr Roylott is a fallen gentleman, some aspects which make him one is that he is a murderer and has a violent nature. Another perfect example of a fallen gentleman can be found in The Man with the Twisted Lip, the character Mr St. Clair displays clear characteristics of a fallen gentleman: to my relief, that instead of being identified as Mr Neville St. Clair, I was arrested as his murderer. Mr St. Clair has been caught acting as a beggar to earn money when he seemed to be a of the higher class standards. Doing such things was an obvious big offence to the Victorian customs. The aristocracy thought of themselves as supreme and pure, they never did any physical work that could discolour their skin: a pale face (From The Man with the Twisted Lip). The aristocracy tend to have very pale skin, indicating that they do not work, because work can causes skin discolouring. Hygiene was a very important aspect of everyday aristocracy life, in The Speckled Band, it is very unusual that Holmes packs a toothbrush when he is off to investigate an incident: That and a toothbrush are, I think, all that we need. As well as hygiene, appearance was obviously a very important item addressed in everyday upper class life. From The Man with the Twisted Lip we are shown: such as he had started to town in, he has on neither collar nor necktie. This quote reveals to us how important this was to the upper class. This is demonstrating that a man of high class would never be seen without a tie around his neck. The merchant class were not as intelligent and as respected as the aristocracy. The middleclass were not better than the upper class. As justified by the following quote from The Scandal in Bohemia, it displays a very basic outline in what Holmes does: he was still, as ever, deeply attracted by the study of crime, and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues and clearing up these mysteries, which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police. Not only does this quote demonstrate the powers and qualities of Holmes, but in meaning it also shows us that the police who are the working class are being outsmarted by Holmes who is of the upper class, which suggests that the upper class is better than the merchant or working class. The aristocracy also control the middleclass: if you leave it to a court of law to clear the matter up on the other hand, if you convince the police authorities that there is no possible case against you (From The Man with the Twisted Lip). This quote shows us the Victorian thinking that a person belonging to the aristocracy will always have power and manipulation over the lower classes. The poor were hated by the upper classes. The higher class hated them for many reasons, one being there appearance, and extract from The Man with the Twisted Lip: He was, as the inspector said extremely dirty, but the grime which covered his face could not conceal its repulsive ugliness. This reveals that the Victorian upper class thought the poor as being very ugly, disgusting and dirty, this was the stereotype that all poor people were ugly and dirty. The lower class were seen as the worst of all people; the gypsies were hated just because they lived in a different way. In The Speckled Band, the Ms Stoner states: sometimes it may have referred to some band of people, perhaps to these very gypsies in the plantation might have suggested the strange adjective she used. This demonstrated the class differences, Ms Stoner feels superior to the gypsies, also revealing that the Victorian aristocracy though themselves as being superior to all other classes. Victorian assumption to crime mysteries is that if there was a person out of the upper class or the poor they were the criminals. From The Man with the Twisted Lip, this attitude is clearly shown: wash his hands, and his face is as black as a tinkers. Well once his case is settled he will have a regular prison bath. This quotes significance is that the poor people were always the assumed of committing crimes, because that is the only way they can survive. When someone decides to change their class it is seen as the worst possible thing that could happen in the view of Victorians. The poor cannot be changed to the aristocracy because of their past and their low status. The same way a man of the aristocracy cannot become lower than his usual class, if this does happen then this is seen as the most shameful situation. Prime examples are Dr Roylott from The Speckled Band and Mr St. Clair from The Man with the Twisted Lip. From analysing mainly the two novels; The Speckled Band and The Man with the Twisted Lip that were both written by Arthur Conan Doyle, the Victorian attitudes towards gender, ethnicity and class are revealed. In terms of gender these points have been discussed and proven; Men were fare more intelligent and rational than women. Women were over emotional; they also had authority over domestic matters. However, men were in control over all aspects of Victorian life. Points concerning ethnicity were; Victorians felt threatened and also hated foreigners (Xenophobia). Victorian saw foreigners and animals as dangerous and mischievous. Victorian towards class was that the Aristocracy were very wealthy, the working class worked for their wealth and the lower class was just poor. Someone transferring classes was not acceptable in Victorian society, the Victorians held a strong belief that someone should stick to their status and class. From the previous Victorian assumption we can conclude that the Victorian morals, values and thinking were much contrasting than what the present views on society are, and things have changed in a positive way.   Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

John Donnes The Holy Sonnets Essay -- Donne Holy Sonnets Religion Ess

John Donne's The Holy Sonnets By making many references to the Bible, John Donne's Holy Sonnets reveal his want to be accepted and forgiven by God. A fear of death without God's forgiveness of sins is conveyed in these sonnets. Donne expresses extreme anxiety and fright that Satan has taken over his soul and God won't forgive him for it or his sins. A central theme of healing and forgiveness imply that John Donne, however much he wrote about God and being holy, wasn't such a holy man all of the time and tried to make up for it in his writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In sonnet 1, the speaker is talking to God. He tells God that his death is near. He feels that with all of the sins he has committed he is leaning towards hell instead of heaven. Satan has tempted him too much and he doesn't know if he can even go an hour without giving in to Satan's evil ways. The speaker asks God to give him wings so that he may ascend into heaven and prevent Satan from taking him to hell. There is a sense of manipulation in the speaker in the beginning of the sonnet. "Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?'; In other words, "You're making your own creation look bad if you don't help me to become holy again.'; This starts out the sonnet with a bitter tone, a favorable way for Donne to begin. But in the end, the speaker is pleading God to give him wings, ending the sonnet with a sense of desperation. The worried tone of the last few lines is a rather common one in the Holy Sonnets. It exhibits the r...

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Ball and Chain: Why The NCAA

Be The term, â€Å"student athlete† is a polarizing one. In todays America, college sports particularly football and basketball, are as much a part of the sports enthusiast's landscape as is any professional sport. In any case, with enthusiasm comes money. In this case, billions of dollars are generated by television viewership, merchandise sales and university boosters. College athletes are the driving force behind an industry where television executives, university presidents, athletic directors and coaches are compensated in a manner which makes them among the most wealthy eople in the world.The athletes receive in return an education from a well respected university, along with name and sometimes facial recognition in their fields of interest. However, the student on a physics scholarship receives the same opportunity for education and name recognition in his field that the athlete does. The difference is, the physics student isn't selling millions of dollars worth of Jers eys. The physics student is also allowed to pursue compensation for applying his craft as he sees fit while enrolled at the university while the athlete is not allowed to work or ven accept perks brought about by his celebrity.The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) serves as the oppressive monopoly which seeks to capitalize on the dreams of young athletes by requiring their servitude, likeness and name in exchange for the slimmest of opportunities to attract employment in their field of interest. Like any other oppressor or monopoly that came before it, the NCAA should be abolished and replaced with a model that is mindful of equality, as well as human and civil rights.The NCAA has blocked every road that an athlete may have to apitalize on his hard work during his time at his respective university. Only recently has the legality of such roadblocks been challenged. Due to its litany of regulations designed to stifle player movement or compensation, many, such as Pulitze r prize winning author and historian Taylor Branch, have argued that the current structure of the NCAA rivals that of a slave plantation or drug cartel.Branch scoffs at the correlation between the terms â€Å"student athlete† and â€Å"amateur,† stating in an article in The Atlantic, â€Å"No legal definition of amateur exists, and any attempt to create one in nforceable law would expose its repulsive and unconstitutional nature a bill of attainder, stripping from college athletes the rights of American citizenship. † (Branch 2). At the heart of that argument is the question, what constitutes an employee? Blacks Law dictionary defines â€Å"employee† as â€Å"a person in the service of another under any contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control or direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed† (Muhl 2). An athletic scholarship is clear example of a ritten contract which both overtly and implicitly stipulates that the school is willing to exchange an education for the athlete's services on the school's sports team.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Synopsis of “The Corporation”

Sypnosis Sypnosis of â€Å"The Corporation† The documentary, â€Å"The Corporation† was written by Joel Bakan, Mark Achbar, and Jennifer Abbott. It starts off by describing corporations as jig saw puzzles, saying that if one piece of it is removed or lost, it will not function properly. The documentary describes that everything in a corporation has a place and a common purpose. It states that everything and everyone works together for a common end. Corporations are then compared to â€Å"monsters† trying to obtain as much profit as possible.In the film, corporations are defined as â€Å"one form of business ownership† and as â€Å"a group of individuals working together to serve a variety of objectives. † A corporation’s most important objective is profit and it will not let anything stand in its way of getting it. The documentary explains how the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution created enormous growth in corporations. Corporate lawye rs started to realize they wanted more power. The 14th amendment was passed to give every â€Å"person† equal rights.This amendment was meant to free slaves, but corporations manipulated it in a way to apply to capital and property. Corporations were given rights as â€Å"special persons’ that were designed to be concerned only for their stockholders. All they want is to make as much money as possible at any given time. To corporations, there is no such thing as enough profit. All of them are designed to complete certain characteristic to deliver results as soon as possible.The characteristics of corporations are callous concern for the feelings of others, incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, reckless disregard for the safety of others, deceitfulness: repeated lying and conning others for profit, incapacity to experience guilt, and failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors. These faults of corporations have put life of all species i n a constant decline. Most CEO’s of corporations do not realize the bad that their companies are doing to the world. Many have not even been to the sites of their main actories to have the opportunity to see the horrible conditions of workers. Corporations manipulate our minds through media to buy their products starting at a young age. It is a terrible thing for them to do, but unfortunately it works. Most children start begging their parents for toys they see on television at a very young age. Parents seem to give in as their children explain that they just â€Å"have got to have† the new toy. Towards the end of the documentary, it starts to reveal some real life situations where corporations have tried to break the law.It shows when the RGBH hormone was being put into milk without consumers knowing the true health issues it could cause. Another corporation was trying to charge citizens in Bolivia a fourth of their income for water, even though they only made two dol lars a day. In order for Coca-Cola to continue making money during Hitler’s dictation, they came out with a new drink called Fanta Orange. They continued to make millions of dollars even while millions of people were being killed. During the same time, IBM, along with other United States corporations were trading with Germany to make profits during the Holocaust.Many corporations have grown global and the government has lost total control over them. Capitalism has become the new â€Å"high-priest† of all systems. In order to have more power, industries and the government work together. As everyday people we do not realize how the things we do can harm our environment. Even just doing our jobs can be hurting the people around us, depending on the companies we work for. The best thing to do is if you do not agree with the actions of a corporation, then stand up to them or do not buy or use their products.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on A Quality Of A Friend

Being an industrious person is my friend Nikki’s best quality. Working hard is a quality that can result in becoming a success at whatever someone does. There are three common places to work hard: school, church and work; Nikki seems to work hard as an ant in all three areas of performance. School is one of Nikki’s top priorities in life. Nikki is at school everyday; not only is she their, but she is their to learn. She works hard to get good grades to reach her educational goals. She takes very well organized notes and asks for help so she can understand her assignments. She knows that understanding her work may help her in future task. Equally important, she does all her assignments invariably; she never hands in work late. There is no need for her to do any extra credit work because she gets all the credit she deserves. As a result Nikki has become a very successful student in school. In addition to school Nikki is also hard working at church. Nikki teaches the youth bible classes. In these classes Nikki teaches young boys and girls, how to become mature men and woman of God. She also stays at the church on Sunday to help clean and beautify the sanctuary. In addition Nikki donates food and clothing for less fortunate families of the church. Nikki does all of that work for no pay or recognition. As a result Nikki has become a great woman of God. In order for Nikki to be able to have the money for school and church she must have good performance at work. When Nikki is at work she completes all of her daily task. She is never late to her work place. She always arrives early so she can prepare for the day. When at work she doesn’t wait for instruction from her boss; she just does what needs to be done. She’s always going over the limit of her assigned task. As a result: Nikki has been voted employee of the month three consecutive times, she has gotten two raises and she is now a district manager. I... Free Essays on A Quality Of A Friend Free Essays on A Quality Of A Friend Being an industrious person is my friend Nikki’s best quality. Working hard is a quality that can result in becoming a success at whatever someone does. There are three common places to work hard: school, church and work; Nikki seems to work hard as an ant in all three areas of performance. School is one of Nikki’s top priorities in life. Nikki is at school everyday; not only is she their, but she is their to learn. She works hard to get good grades to reach her educational goals. She takes very well organized notes and asks for help so she can understand her assignments. She knows that understanding her work may help her in future task. Equally important, she does all her assignments invariably; she never hands in work late. There is no need for her to do any extra credit work because she gets all the credit she deserves. As a result Nikki has become a very successful student in school. In addition to school Nikki is also hard working at church. Nikki teaches the youth bible classes. In these classes Nikki teaches young boys and girls, how to become mature men and woman of God. She also stays at the church on Sunday to help clean and beautify the sanctuary. In addition Nikki donates food and clothing for less fortunate families of the church. Nikki does all of that work for no pay or recognition. As a result Nikki has become a great woman of God. In order for Nikki to be able to have the money for school and church she must have good performance at work. When Nikki is at work she completes all of her daily task. She is never late to her work place. She always arrives early so she can prepare for the day. When at work she doesn’t wait for instruction from her boss; she just does what needs to be done. She’s always going over the limit of her assigned task. As a result: Nikki has been voted employee of the month three consecutive times, she has gotten two raises and she is now a district manager. I...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Sell More Work by Grabbing Eye-Catching Quotes

Sell More Work What do the following names have in common? Jeffrey Archer, David Baldacci, Bernard Cornwell, Janet Evanovich, Jasper Fforde, Ken Follett, Jonathan Kellerman, Rebecca Tope. Answer: My articles! These famous bestselling authors have all granted direct personal exclusive quotes to me. A writer instills his own voice, personality, perceptions, knowledge, experiences, even moods into his work. It is one point of view and can sound opinionated. Adding commentary from external sources changes the tone of the article from opinion to analysis. Quotes liven up the content, humanizing and dramatizing it. They add gravitas and credibility to an article. They show the writer has done their homework and produced work that can be taken seriously. They influence readers and build trust. Experts specialize and excel in their fields. Seek the correct kind for your article. For example, when writing on child care, a quote from an educator working in a day care organization will carry more weight than a comment from a therapist working for anti-bullying services, even though both may be parenting experts. Dont demonstrate your ignorance or laziness Experts may be found from a variety of sources: 1. When you come across any expert cited in an article, a quick Internet search like Contact + John Smith, MSc in Child Psychology will bring up some contact information email address, website, Facebook page, LinkedIn profile. 2. Published experts are often on Amazons list of bestsellers or have an authors page on 3. Faculty at schools, universities, and training organizations may be accessible.   4. Reach out to people responding in the Comments sections of blog posts. 5. Dedicated online services like can be a good place to network. However, quotes from experts registered on these services are often in exchange for advertising/marketing space or a plug, which may not be allowed for your publication. 6. Key executives of top-selling products can be contacted via websites like 7. Experts themselves refer or recommend other experts. 8. Your humble daily newspaper is an easy resource. 9. Go crazy signing up for company press releases (e.g. and newsletters. Like them on Facebook, stalk them around their Twitter-sphere, follow their blogs and participate in related discussion forums. 10. Get into experts inner circles 11. Writers are experts too! The freelancer who writes on new age therapy may be a licensed naturalist healer who could give input on your article about a newly-discovered herbs medicinal qualities. The literary writer may have a day job as a psychologist or police officer and could grant you a meaty quote about crime at school. Once youve found your experts, dont hesitate to approach them with a polite, clear, concise and non-judgmental enquiry. Introduce yourself honestly, and end with a note of thanks. Ask the right questions to avoid getting dull and pointless answers. Dont act too funny, provocative or familiar. When youve got your quotes, present them appropriately in your article making sure it flows well and doesnt appear disconnected. Take care to attribute the correct quote to the correct expert! While you may need to edit, clarify, highlight, sanitize, or paraphrase the quote, dont go overboard, modify the meaning, take it out of context or introduce your own voice into it. Expert quotes lend authenticity, authority and validity to your work and make it look professional. They can add value, remove discrepancies, reveal new slants, and change the perception of your article. Use others words to sell your own!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Culture - Essay Example Organizational change or change management has become a very important aspect in the modern day management practice. Change is desirable when everything else has failed to ensure the continuous survival of the business. However change in itself might not be desirable when the degree of resistance to change become stronger because when resistance gathers momentum that in itself is an indicator of the existence of other solutions. If organizational change were focused on improving critical success factors related to financial management, Human Resource Management (HRM), employee relations, supply chain management, quality management, marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR), then the organization would have to face considerable resistance. In the first instance when change involves people it is all the more difficult to manage the process of change smoothly because employees depending on their attitude to change would not remain silent. Thus as much as the active management of the change process involves attitudinal changes, there are predefined objectives that would require far reaching changes at each level before a final changes brought aboutAlbert Breton (Author) †º Visit Amazons Albert Breton Page . Organizational change also requires a far greater commitment on the part of management to initiate change. However once it is initiated the degree of participation by other employees alone would determine the success or the failure of the program. Thus organizational change theories have evolved overtime with particular emphasis on the change management process of employees in general. Lewin’s theory of organizational change is based on a three tier change management process in which a system of continuous replacement is adopted. Thus it is known as unfreeze-change-refreeze model. For example in the first stage the existing organizational setup is unfrozen or dismantled. In the second stage changes are